Episode 20
Power to the People
If we want podcast apps and hosting companies to implement the features we like, we need to communicate our needs directly—after all, they’re not mind readers!
From simple feedback to organized group requests, we can encourage these platforms to embrace the Podcasting 2.0 features that we believe are beneficial to all.
Persistence is key; by continually advocating for our needs, we can influence the uptake of 2.0 technology. So, let’s get proactive and show them we care about the features that matter most to us!
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Things change. Technologies improve. What is discussed in this episode is correct as of end 2024 or early 2025.
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Cover design by The Pink Octopus
Theme music City Vibe from Ketsa
Additional music Nova Search available on Pixabay
Speaker B:Welcome back to podcasting 2.0 in practice in the previous episode Pod Roll Homework, I mentioned that there are not that many apps that currently support Pod Roll or Host recommendations, which is what it is.
Speaker B:So what can we do to encourage apps and hosting companies to to implement the features we'd like to see, and perhaps even ones that have not been developed yet?
Speaker B:Simply put, we need to tell them what we want.
Speaker B:They are not mind readers.
Speaker B:They may have their own ideas about what they can do to help us listeners and creators, but without us communicating our needs with them directly, they'll never know if they are on the right track.
Speaker B:So as this episode is called Power to the People, if you want someone to do something, ask them.
Speaker B:Most listening apps have places where you can send feedback, which is a great place to say, for example, I really like the Pod Roll feature.
Speaker B:Do you have any plans to support this in the future?
Speaker B:You can keep it as simple as that or go on to explain why you would like it supported and how you think it will be useful to other app users Users Ways to do this On True Fans, click on the avatar at top right of the screen and scroll down to Feedback.
Speaker B:On Fountain, click on the avatar top left of the screen and then on Share Feedback.
Speaker B:On Podcast Guru, the avatar is bottom right where you'll find the feedback option.
Speaker B:On podverse, click on the three dots at bottom right, then contact bottom right again for the avatar.
Speaker B:In Pocketcasts, where you'll find help and feedback.
Speaker B:You can send emails to your hosting companies, for example, to SupportAPTivate FM or SupportBuzzsprout.com@rss.com you can scroll down to the footer where you'll find support.
Speaker B:Click here, then submit a ticket.
Speaker B:If you're a member of a community group or a network that collectively could make use of a particular feature, encourage everyone in that group to make the request, as well as making a request on behalf of that group stating the ways that this feature could be of benefit to all members.
Speaker B:You can also use social media, blogs, polls, wherever you have an audience to tell others about the features you think could be useful or ask them for their thoughts and where you can tag the apps and hosting companies you think should take notice.
Speaker B:The key with this process is persistence.
Speaker B:App developers and hosting companies prioritize changes based on user demand and technical feasibility.
Speaker B:We already know that technically the 2.0 features I'm talking about in this series are feasible, so from a point of view of persistence, follow up on your requests every now and then to show that you still care about and are invested in the feature.
Speaker B:The more listeners engage with apps and hosts and consistently advocate for improvements, the more likely those apps and hosts are to listen and make changes.
Speaker B:Good luck, and do tell me how you get on.
Speaker B:Visit creativityfound.co.uk podcasting to find out more about my guests and access lots of useful podcast resources.
Speaker B:If you'd like to get in touch, you can send a boost, but if you haven't got to that lesson yet, feel free to reach out to me on my Instagram account odcasting2.0.
Speaker B:In practice.